Neurofo Live Workshops: Transformative Neuroperformance Sessions

Neuroforce Workshops

Recommended by the Government of Canada's Human Resources

On behalf of the Directorate of Ethics and support to employees of the Border Services Agency of Canada, I would like to thank Dr. Francine Therrien for the high-caliber lecture she presented at our annual meeting. Comments reflected the quality of the conference entitled “Strategies for Optimizing Mental Health and Brain Performance,” which was unanimously considered a huge success. We have rarely seen such enthusiasm, interest, and appreciation from an audience. Doctor Therrien, in her capacity as a dynamic and first-notch speaker, presented innovative strategies based on proven evidence at the confluence of the various health sciences. She captivated her audience by providing levers for change that can make a difference in everyday life. In a nutshell, the conference proved to be a real spark for our team.
Stuart MacPherson
Senior Director of HR
Border Services Agency of Canada

Popular Workshop Themes:

  • The Neuroforce Meditation Formula: 12 Brain States to Achieve Success and Fulfillment
  • The Secrets to Creativity and Innovation: Bridging the Brain's High Frequencies of the Known to the Slow Vibes of Intuition and the Unknown
  • The Neuroscience of Leadership: Enhance Your Brain to be Better Attuned, Focused, Intuitive, In Control and Charismatic
  • Thriving and Slim with The Neuroforce Nutrition Formula
  • Happy, Unstressed, Un-Anxious and Undepressed with Natural Ways that Work
  • Focused, Organized and Done-with-ADHD Using Proven Strategies
  • Better Memory & Combatting Alzheimer’s Using New & Cutting-Edge Brain Optimization Strategies
  • Great Sleep and Focus Despite Jet Lag and Shift Work

Not quite what you're looking for?

Neuroforce Reservation

We are more than happy to have your conference tailor-made to your unique organizational goals. Please fill out the contact form with your needs and estimated calendar, or write directly to