The Neurofo Retreat: Neuroperformance, Meditation, Nutrition & Fitness
Neurofo Retreat: Five days with our brain experts. Experience a lifestyle that ignites brain power with Neuroforce Neuroperformance, Meditation, Nutrition, Fitness, and Sleep Formulas. Experience the steps to overcome obstacles using intuition and intention to succeed.
Hosted by Francine Therrien, Ph.D., President and Chief Neuroscientist, and Precille Dulude, Coach and successful entrepreneur.
Find out how to upgrade your brain to succeed with ease and fluency. Have unforgettable experiences with others that can change your life in a big way. And earn 12 CEC Continuing Education Credits (CEC) for this five-day retreat. The cost is $699/5 days. Travel and living expenses are extra.

Reserve your place by filling out the contact form.
Would you like to talk to one of our brain experts to learn how this experience can help you? Reserve your free 15-minute Zoom consultation.
Retreat Goals
- Learn how to use your neurology to access consciousness, experience bliss & success as you manifest your intentions
- Master the Neuroforce Meditation tools to visualize and create your life dreams
- Experience the Neuroforce Meditation, Nutrition, Physical training, and Sleep Formulas that upgrade your brain and maximize neuroplasticity, energy, productivity, and restoration
- Learn how to make your brain chemicals that create a state of well-being and mental power. You will use specific foods, physical and mental exercises, love, and connection.
- Learn about neuroperformance techniques and neurotechnologies to experience top levels of energy, happiness, and efficiency.
Reserve your place by filling out the contact form.
Would you like to talk to one of our brain experts to learn how this experience can help you? Reserve your free 15-minute Zoom consultation.
Breakthrough experiences
Daily Schedule
7:00 Pre-workout brain nutrition
7:15 Grow your brain with the Neuroforce Training Formula
8:30 Breakfast for your brain
9:30 Guided meditation to connect with consciousness and manifest your intentions
10:00 Group learning (How to)
11:00 Coaching experiences with the Neuroforce Tools
12:00 Recharge your brain energy with the perfect lunch
13:00 Excursions & learning experiences & leisure time
19:00 Cocktail, dinner & learning presentation
20:30 Free time & animation
What you will learn and do each day
- Learn what to do first to unleash your brain power and experience success
- Experience a powerful guided meditation of The 12-step Neuroforce Meditation Formula
- Experience a premium presentation of neuroscience with enormous implications for your success
- Relax deeply while being guided by professionals to connect with yourself and with the greater consciousness to know and understand yourself
- Discuss your specific needs with top experts in brain health and performance
- Take advantage of leisure time in heavenly places to experiment with Neuroforce tools
- Explore magical places and learn by doing, developing connections with people who support your goal of success
- Build memories for a lifetime